
Color Codes

hey guys!
i've got lots of color codes to share!

Neon green- ff00 or ef00
Neon purple- 6600ff
Neon pink- ff0066 or ef0066
Neon blue- Ff or ef
Neon yellow- efef00
Neon Red- ff0000
Gold- eea500
Dark Gold- D4A019
Dark Neon Blue- bf
Light Neon Purple- Bbooff
Perfect Red- fc0000
Neon Orange- dd4000
Dark Green- 4400
Chartruce- 99ff00
Mint- aadfa4
Peach- ff8877
Pastel- 9999ff or 6666ff
Baby Blue- ff8fd
Baby Pink- ff8fda
The Best Gold- ffd700
Magenta- cc00ff
Lilac- aca7da
Girly Marroon- 940066
JennyWooz’s Color Pink- FF8E8E
JennyWooz’s Color Green- 42E6C4
Light Gold- eeca00
light lilac- 978ECE
mya wooz's pink- E600B7
mya wooz's purple-620075


  1. Hi starry its me Bilbobaggins :D your friend on woozworld! I saw that you had a blog and i just had to check it out! This is the most amazing woozworld blog ever!

  2. Wzw pinoy, yo don't have to make your headline good CAUSE MINE I BETTER
